Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The Convince of Alcohol

After reading this article my colleague Octavine Daniels wrote I think it’s about time. We need these it’ll create more job opportunity I believe. In my opinion I don’t believe bartenders will be effected in this case. Bartenders are there more for a mixed drink as opposed to giving you a beer. People go to bars to have a drink made for them. If people want a beer they normally stop on their way home to buy a six pack. I believe the person who came up with the idea is pretty set. To have your card tied up with your driver’s license is pretty intense. I think they should maybe also add a breathalyzer to the machine just for an extra so it can be passed. As for my past two years living in Austin in West Campus and having vending machines in the lobby I always thought about why not a beer vending machine. It would be so much more convenient to just buy a beer that way. They’d probably make a ton of money if they set them up in the ski rises in downtown Austin as well. Most of them have vending machines and to add a liquor vending machine would probably be even more amazing. I’m talking like these places have like thirty floors of people I’m sure someone is thirsty and lazy in there. 

Expand Let Everyone Learn

Education for children is a big must in my opinion. After reading the article from Texas Monthly “The Plot Against Public Education” my heart was racing. I am certainly a strong believer in early childhood education. That is when we witness the child start to bloom. They learn personality traits, learn how to communicate and experience learning. I believe if we expand the pre-K program we will witness more children succeed. At this time children must be eligible for enrollment for pre-K. Which means so many children are being left out and are missing that early childhood education.  Children are missing out on education at such a young age. Parents are missing out on job opportunities due to staying home and taking care of their children because they are still not in school. That means not only one person is being effected but three. If we are to expand the opportunity for every child to start their education in pre-K we would see brighter futures. We’d have a parent back at work, an opportunity for a teacher, and a child learning. This would ultimately effect three people’s lives. Three people that would be on their feet learning and brightening their futures. 

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

 My colleague Kalye Johnson has made a great point what will happen now to the land of the rich and smarty pants. What’s the deal do they not know the stress of these teens during the application process. As a student who submit an application to Baylor University and never heard a word back was beyond depressing. I will never forget that moment and run around during my senior year. I have an email stating my application was complete, yet I never received an acceptance or denial letter/email. Sending emails and being on hold on the phone for ridiculous amounts of time just to hear something. Emails from different admissions counselors who couldn't explain anything they’d just give me a different phone number or email to contact.  I know the exact feeling of these students who applied for their dream school and didn't get in just because some politician wrote them a letter. What’s going to happen now is UT just going to send sorry letters to these students. Are they going to admit them and give them a cut on tuition? What will happen to the ones that did get admitted are they going to remain there? I’m just excited to see what will happen to the students who were not admitted. 

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


I’m just wondering who complains about barbecue and is trying to remove it from Austin other than the local neighborhoods being effected. I do understand the circumstances the neighborhoods are being effected by the amount of smoke they receive a day from these restaurants. Due to that they just have so much anger built up they want to try to remove all barbecue restaurants from Austin. (Just wondering… Are these people vegan or from California.) This state is known for barbecue. To eliminate that from the home of the state capital is beyond ridiculous.  Local owners might be forced to shut down their businesses soon due to smoke ordinance. Austin should not force these business to shut down. I believe they should think of a method in order to reduce the amount of smoke coming from the pits or find a relocation area safer for the environment and the business. Barbecue is what makes Austin especially if it’s local barbecue. This is what makes Austin seem like they’re being controlled over someone with a ton of money. To come out with a statement of no more barbecue in Austin I’m most positive theirs a lot of money under that table. (AKA Rich guy from California or Vegan who plants all their food which makes them rich because they don’t spend money on food.) 

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Vote as you please

March 4, 2014 Eileen Smith published a blog entry on, IN THE PINK, about her voting in the election. The way she was swayed into making her decision was probably not as strong nor as confident one should be when voting. After watching the film, “The Last One Standing,” in lecture. It sure made me realize we need to advise voters to do some research before voting. So many voters just go about what others say or what they hear. Voters need to do research on the candidates so they choose something they want to happen or what is important to them. If they did their research we’d have informed voters during the election time period to spread the word about who they thought would be a better candidate and why. Her support towards her vote is an embarrassment in my opinion. She had absolutely no clue about the people she voted for. It was like we blindfolded someone and tried playing pin the tail on the ballot instead of the donkey. That is how clueless this voter was about selecting the candidate. I would actually give her some credit towards her blog for advising her social media friends threw her blog that voting is going on. I guess I’d also give her some more credit for spreading the word about how much longer the polls were going to be open. I’d give her two stars on her blog. The first star would be for actually going to vote. As for the second star I’d give it to her for spreading the word on her blog that the polls were going to be open longer that evening. 

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

DNA Evidence

 February 15,2015 Dallas Morning News published an article about a new law passed in Texas. 
Texas Legislatures just passed a law allowing for DNA evidence testing. I believe that DNA testing will allow many innocent people to prove that they are not guilty. So many people are convicted of crimes without enough evidence. Hopefully testing can help solve most cases in a faster and more efficient  way. Testing will probably be more cost effective and time consuming but it’ll sure help out in clues for the case. I believe DNA testing should only be upon request if the person feels that confident and knows that they didn’t do it they should be given the option to run a DNA test. If we provided DNA testing for every case we'd be wasting time and money. Cases would probably be open longer and it will take longer to find an answer. Having this option open will help people feel more confident that they aren't guilty of a crime. 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Embedded Link

On Wednesday, February 4, 2015, the My San Antonio published a link titled Gun rights activist: "Treason is punishable by death"

Knowing that people need a gun just to feel safe sounds crazy to me. That means the people they don’t feel safe around will also be allowed to carry guns. I’m just wondering if these gun advocates have taken that into mind. As for a really close friend of mine interning for Poncho at the time of the confrontation was beyond upsetting. We discussed the issue since he was there at the time. I don’t think that people who want to be confronting others should even be allowed with a weapon. Some psychological license needs to come out if these people want to be carrying guns. Think about it if the man confronting Poncho at the Capital that day had a hand gun and was confronting Poncho on this issue he could have immediately used it without thinking.