Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The Convince of Alcohol

After reading this article my colleague Octavine Daniels wrote I think it’s about time. We need these it’ll create more job opportunity I believe. In my opinion I don’t believe bartenders will be effected in this case. Bartenders are there more for a mixed drink as opposed to giving you a beer. People go to bars to have a drink made for them. If people want a beer they normally stop on their way home to buy a six pack. I believe the person who came up with the idea is pretty set. To have your card tied up with your driver’s license is pretty intense. I think they should maybe also add a breathalyzer to the machine just for an extra so it can be passed. As for my past two years living in Austin in West Campus and having vending machines in the lobby I always thought about why not a beer vending machine. It would be so much more convenient to just buy a beer that way. They’d probably make a ton of money if they set them up in the ski rises in downtown Austin as well. Most of them have vending machines and to add a liquor vending machine would probably be even more amazing. I’m talking like these places have like thirty floors of people I’m sure someone is thirsty and lazy in there. 

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