Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Expand Let Everyone Learn

Education for children is a big must in my opinion. After reading the article from Texas Monthly “The Plot Against Public Education” my heart was racing. I am certainly a strong believer in early childhood education. That is when we witness the child start to bloom. They learn personality traits, learn how to communicate and experience learning. I believe if we expand the pre-K program we will witness more children succeed. At this time children must be eligible for enrollment for pre-K. Which means so many children are being left out and are missing that early childhood education.  Children are missing out on education at such a young age. Parents are missing out on job opportunities due to staying home and taking care of their children because they are still not in school. That means not only one person is being effected but three. If we are to expand the opportunity for every child to start their education in pre-K we would see brighter futures. We’d have a parent back at work, an opportunity for a teacher, and a child learning. This would ultimately effect three people’s lives. Three people that would be on their feet learning and brightening their futures. 

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