Wednesday, February 25, 2015

DNA Evidence

 February 15,2015 Dallas Morning News published an article about a new law passed in Texas. 
Texas Legislatures just passed a law allowing for DNA evidence testing. I believe that DNA testing will allow many innocent people to prove that they are not guilty. So many people are convicted of crimes without enough evidence. Hopefully testing can help solve most cases in a faster and more efficient  way. Testing will probably be more cost effective and time consuming but it’ll sure help out in clues for the case. I believe DNA testing should only be upon request if the person feels that confident and knows that they didn’t do it they should be given the option to run a DNA test. If we provided DNA testing for every case we'd be wasting time and money. Cases would probably be open longer and it will take longer to find an answer. Having this option open will help people feel more confident that they aren't guilty of a crime. 

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